在线影院 哈斯巴干 博士/臆度员 Ph.D. Professor Hasi Bagan

发布日期:2024-10-29 06:35    点击次数:144

在线影院 哈斯巴干 博士/臆度员 Ph.D. Professor Hasi Bagan


哈斯巴干 Hasi Bagan臆度员(Professor)







在“Remote Sensing of Environment”、“IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing” 等遥感领域的国外泰斗期刊,“Land Degradation & Development”、“Environment and Planning B”和“Environmental Research Letters” 等环境方面的国外泰斗期刊,以及在《中国科学》,《中国图象图形学报》等国表里中枢刊物上以第一作家发表多篇论文。论文受到天下银行的高度评价,臆度限制以图表的面孔被接管于天下银行(World Bank)的2021年3月出书的敷陈书“RICH Food, Smart City”之中。



专揽臆度:基于GOSAT, OCO系列碳卫星数据的大气二氧化碳和甲烷浓度的时空分散特征臆度;基于局部风景分区的城市热岛强度臆度;组合LiDAR点数据,高辞别率航拍影像和航拍的地名义热放射信息的城市里面结构的分析;城市三维立体结构与地表温度的相关;评估和预计翌日的不同城市发展模式对城市的能量浮滥,城市热岛效应及二氧化碳排放的影响;聚合遥感、GIS和社会统计数据,臆度城市延长问题;蒙古高原地皮覆被和变化臆度。


(1)主捏,科技部,国度要点研发筹谋政府间要点专项 (格局编号:2022YFE0119500),2023年1月~2025年12月

(2)主捏,上海市所在院校智商开采专项,“聚合碳不雅测卫星和大地不雅测对长三角地区甲烷和二氧化碳的排放量进行估算和评估” (格局编号:22010503600), 2022年3月~2025年3月

(3)主捏,国度当然科学基金旧例面上格局,“聚合样本优化和核学习子空间的多源异质遥感数据分类及城市专揽” (格局编号:41771372), 2018年1月~2021年 12月

(4)主捏,上海市科委高新技巧科技攻关格局, “多源遥感数据和会与核子空间步调网络合的城市扩展臆度” (格局编号:185****2300), 2018年4月~2020年7月 

(5)主捏,日本天地航空臆度开采机构格局, “Combining ALOS series Optical and SAR imagery for local climate zone classification” (JAXA PI No: ER3A2N149) ,  2022年4月~2025年4月

(6)主捏,日本环境省GOSAT系列碳卫星格局, “Spatiotemporal analysis of atmospheric greenhouse gases distribution using GOSAT data in China” (The 3rd GOSAT RA PI No: 3RA-02) 2021年8月~2026年8月





日本 国立环境臆度所客员臆度员

东京大学 分娩技巧臆度所臆度员 (Research fellow)




1.Terigelehu Te, Hasi Bagan*, Meihui Che, Xinyan Hou, Bayarsaikhan Uudus. “Spatiotemporal variability of near-surface CO2 and its affecting factors over Mongolia”, Environmental Research, 2023, 236(1), 116796. (SCI).

2.Chaomin Chen, Hasi Bagan*, Takahiro Yoshida. “Multiscale mapping of local climate zones in Tokyo using airborne LiDAR data, GIS vectors, and Sentinel-2 imagery”, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 2023, 45. (SCI).

3.Xinyan Hou,红色av Xuan Xie, Hasi Bagan*, Chaomin Chen, Qinxue Wang, and Takahiro Yoshida. “Exploring Spatiotemporal Variations in Land Surface Temperature Based on Local Climate Zones in Shanghai from 2008 to 2020”, 2023. Remote Sensing, 15(12), 3106. (SCI).

4.Chaomin Chen, Hasi Bagan*, Takahiro Yoshida, Habura Borjigin, Jun Gao. “Quantitative analysis of the building-level relationships between building form and land surface temperature using airborne LiDAR and thermal infrared data”, Urban Climate, 2022, 45. (SSCI/ SCI).

5.Yoshie Ishii, Hasi Bagan, Koki Iwao, Tsuguki Kinoshita. “A new land cover classification method using grade-added rough sets,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2021, 18(1): 8-12. (SCI).

6.Hasi Bagan*, Andrew Millington, Wataru Takeuchi, Yoshiki Yamagata. “Spatiotemporal analysis of deforestation in the Chapare region of Bolivia using LANDSAT images,” Land Degradation & Development, 2020, 31(18): 3024-3039. (SCI).

7.Yune La, Hasi Bagan*, Yoshiki Yamagata. “Urban land cover mapping under the Local Climate Zone scheme using Sentinel-2 and PALSAR-2 data,” Urban Climate, 2020, 33. (SSCI/ SCI)

8.Hasi Bagan*, Habura Borjigin, and Yoshiki Yamagata. “Assessing nighttime lights for mapping the urban areas of 50 cities across the globe,” Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2019, 46(6), 1097-1114. (SSCI).

9.Zhaoling Li, Hasi Bagan*, Yoshiki Yamagata. “Analysis of spatiotemporal land cover changes in Inner Mongolia using self-organizing map neural network and grid cells method,” Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 636: 1180-1191. (SCI).

10.Hasi Bagan*, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Analysis of urban growth and estimating population density using satellite images of nighttime lights and land-use and population data,” GIScience & Remote Sensing, 52(6), 765-780, 2015.(SCI).

11.Hasi Bagan*, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Land-cover change analysis in 50 global cities by using a combination of Landsat data and analysis of grid cell,” Environmental Research Letters, 9(6), 064015, 2014. (SCI).

12.Hasi Bagan*, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Landsat analysis of urban growth: How Tokyo became the world’s largest megacity during the last 40 years,” Remote Sensing of Environment, 127, 210–222. 2012. (SCI).

13.Hasi Bagan*, Tsuguki Kinoshita, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Combination of AVNIR-2, PALSAR, and Polarimetric Parameters for Land Cover Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50(4), 1318–1328. 2012. (SCI).

14.Hasi Bagan,Qinxue Wang*, Masataka Watanabe, Satoshi Kameyama, Yuhai Bao, “Land-cover Classification Using ASTER Multi-band Combinations Based on Wavelet Fusion and SOM Neural Network,” Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (PE&RS), 74(3), 333-342. 2008. (SCI).

15.Hasi Bagan*,Qinxue Wang, Masataka Watanabe, Yang Yonghui,Ma Jianwen, “Land cover classification from MODIS EVI times-series data using SOM neural network,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(22), 4999-5012. 2005. (SCI).

16.哈斯巴干*, 马建文,李启青,陈雪,戴芹,“容差粗俗集与神经收罗聚合的遥感数据分类步调”,中国科学D辑: 地球科学,2004, 34(10): 967 - 974. (英文版为SCI).

17.哈斯巴干*,马建文,李启青,韩秀珍,刘志丽, “基于小波和会的ASTER数据自组织特征映射神经收罗分类臆度”, 中国科学D辑: 地球科学, 2003, 33(9): 895-902. (英文版为SCI) .


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